The newly adapted work from home culture has its downsides too. Millions of people across the world have complained about how sitting while working for a prolonged time is taking a toll on their health. Are you one of them?
Swapping your normal desk for a standing desk might be the answer to your problems. A recent study has proven that people working on a standing desk lose significantly more calories than those working on a normal desk over a stipulated time. Don’t worry if you’re low on budget. You don’t have to be a genius to build your standing desk. It’s super easy and cost-efficient.
Keep reading to find out how using a DIY standing desk can boost your productivity.
The differences between standing desks and normal desks are mainly based on their constructions. The standing desk frame is somewhat different from that of the desks we’ve been using normally for all these years. Some standing desks might be built only for certain particular tasks like drafting architectural drawings. Other styles of it might be more versatile. Some standing desks can be converted into normal desks where the user can choose to sit and work as well. The design allows the user to adjust the height of the desk according to his requirement.
Since in the case of standing desks the user chooses to stand the whole time or most of the time while working, the standing desks are mostly custom-made. This ensures that the user does not struggle with standardized table heights. The height adjustment feature solves the problem to a great extent.
Antique-style standing desks have a more open frame and come with drawers and a foot rail to provide much-needed support to the feet while standing. Some standing desks also come with hinged desktops under which there is a cabinet to store items like papers and other stationery. It works as a great replacement for the conventional drawers and makes the overall design of the standing desk more ergonomic.
Contrary to popular misconceptions, standing desks are not to be mistaken for a substitute to exercise or a healthy diet to keep unwanted weight gain at bay. They do not help in burning massive amounts of calories. Also, the adverse effects of prolonged sitting cannot be negated by physical exercise. The effects can be only mellowed down to some degree.
Some potential benefits of standing desks over normal desks are mentioned below. There is not much evidence in support of these benefits but they are enlisted keeping the negative effects of working while sitting down for long hours at a stretch, in consideration.
- C-reactive proteins which cause cancers of the colon and breast are found in higher levels in people who spend more than 5 hours of their time sitting daily. Therefore, it is important to find ways to not sit around all day. Standing desks can be beneficial by offering to be an alternative to normal desks where it gets difficult to work unless the user is sitting down. Hence, standing desks can help in reducing the chances of cancer.
- Risks of obesity are considerably reduced when people make a conscious effort to keep moving around from time to time throughout the day. While just standing isn’t enough movement, it is the first step to initiate movement. A standing desk can help in achieving this.
- Sitting for prolonged hours is closely related to the body’s reduced ability to regulate the glucose levels in the bloodstream. This puts the body at risk of incurring an insulin-associated condition called type 2 diabetes. A standing desk can help out in reducing the time people spend sitting. In a 2013 study, it was concluded that the amount of time people spend sitting is a greater factor putting them at risk of type 2 diabetes than how many hours of exercise they get every week.
- A British study states that individuals who spend two or more hours sitting per day are at considerably higher risks of cardiovascular diseases. And the risks do not go down even if someone is exercising regularly or incorporating a balanced diet into his lifestyle. In such cases, a standing desk does come through as a quick fix to address the problem.
The one thing common among all the above-mentioned four reasons to start using a DIY standing desk is the health concern associated with it. The phrase ‘Sitting is the new smoking’ is aptly justifiable because there is a cumulative negative effect of sitting in one place for hours daily. It is important to take breaks every 30 minutes just to walk around. It is no surprise that healthy employees perform better at work due to the absence of physical discomfort which often hinders progress. With this perspective, a standing desk might be very useful in boosting one’s productivity.
Prolonged hours of standing in the same position are as inadvisable as sitting for too long and it comes with its own set of medical complications like back pain. So the user must try to strike a balance between the two.