
Adam Seger – Benefits of Healthy Waters at Home

This time last year I decided that it was time for me to start drinking a little less alcohol and so I decided to look for an alternative. I began with making some virgin cocktails, which were nice but a little gassy after a couple of them. I then saw an interview with TV chef and mixologist Adam Seger, who was talking about making waters at home. During that interview he made a cucumber and mint water which looked delicious, and so I decided that this would be a nice little project for me to get started with.

Over the last year I have really taken this passion further and I have made some truly delightful waters at home, which perfectly replace the drinks I was having before. If you are interested, here is what benefits you will get from making these tasty waters at home.

Less Desire To Drink Alcohol

Whilst I knew that I was going to be reducing my intake, my wife had not made any such plans. With this being said however, she very quickly began to prefer drinking the fruity waters that I was preparing, rather than pouring a glass of wine. The result for her has been that she is drinking less alcohol than before, and never really made a conscious effort to do so.

Drinking More Water

There is no doubt about the fact that you are going to drink more water than you usually do, when you make these delicious waters at home. I used to drink quite a lot of water as it was, but having a few liters of freshly made water in the kitchen has really inspired me to up that to around the 4 liter mark.

Health Benefits

There are not just health benefits because of the extra water which you are consuming, but also benefits from the fruits and vegetables that you are consuming. This is not to say that drinking cucumber water for example, will be the same as eating cucumber, but you will get a lot of nutrients from the water as a result of having fruits and veggies in there. This is a great option for those who are looking to get some additional nutrients in their bodies, beyond what they are consuming by way of food.

Passion Project

Believe it or not, this very quickly becomes a passion project and it is one that you get a little bit addicted to. The reason for this is that there is just such an enormous range of options when it comes to making your own waters. Not only will you find yourself looking for new and exciting fruits and veg to add to the water, but you will be looking for combinations which are really going to add something special to the water.

Whether you are looking to reduce your alcohol intake or not, creating tasty and delicious waters is a great way to boost your health.

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